Thursday, July 30, 2009

The TODO Lists

I have seen these 'organized types' who carry a list and go through the motions of life abiding by the list and being satisfied for having knocking them all out. Now they use outlook express and PDA's. Listing is good but to get directed by it is pathetic... Actually one should go to bed happy for not knocking out all the items in the list not because nothing was done during the day but simply because the list did not take precidence.

The TODO list was merely a reminder of what needs to be done.

I was just reading a small article of Brain Tracy - about doing the most important things first. He calls it eating the frog. I like this. But if you ask me to read his books I may not, neither will I read books on Cashflow by Koyosaki.... they are so shallow and definitely not meant to make a person succeed. The writer knows it for sure.


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