Saturday, September 04, 2010

TiECON 2010. Entrepreneurs can make music and sleep well (part one)

Cricket is an easy game. There are clear metrics, runs and wickets being the ones in the forefront.  Cricket is a game.  How about life or for that matter entrepreneurship?  Let’s take entrepreneurship as a case in point.  An entrepreneur is defined as a person who has possession of a new enterprise, venture or idea and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. There is no measuring line but for the outcome.  The outcome in most cases will be the success of the enterprise which is eventually the financial stability or health or its potential to create wealth.


Now wealth in itself needs to be defined.  You cannot dismiss a humble farmer who ploughs the field diligently and produces 100 bags of corn may not catch ones eye  we may end up celebrating that ‘smart’ farmer who is able to produce ten times more without working as hard as the humble farmer. The smart farmer may be exploiting the earth leaving it barren for the future generation.  So the outcome in itself cannot be a yardstick.


Sachin Tendulkar when questioned about the money power in cricket when he was being conferred the honorary rank of Group Captain of Indian Air Force, said something that made me sit up.  Like an entrepreneur, that for him its passion, and says he can sleep well only if he plays well.  Money is incidental it follows.  Now can a good sleep can be yardstick to measure the success of an entrepreneur?


TiECON Chennai 2009 featured performers from the sports and entertainment fields.  I will not call this a tribute of sorts,  that may sound very condescending.  The purpose certainly is to unearth the driving power of passion that propels entertainers.  Entrepreneurs tend to gravitate towards the ones with passion since money in itself can never be a bean counter for measuring the success of an entrepreneur.   


TiECON Chennai 2010 will have MONEY MONEY MONEY as the theme.  The theme in itself may be a bit of a oxymoron for a entrepreneurship meet.  Hold on.  There is more to it.  Since I have been part of this entire process of trying to capture the theme in its purity in communication, I guess I have to write about it. 


Let me hold my horses and not write more and wait for the formal decision on the new logo.  It will happen on 6th Sept 2010.  You can surely expect a post from me after that.



Posted via email from wordcreates's posterous

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