Read my lips sooner or later the value that you create for yourself online will determine the value of you and the company that you work with. The pricing of the IPO will also be linked to this. This may seem a litter far fetched. But it will happen sooner or later.
When I got into Empire Avenue I had no clue on what I was going to do. Within minutes I realized that this is not just one of those casual stuff. Its serious. It places a value on your online persona depending on your activity in Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin etc ..dunno Iam unable to connect to YOUTUBE. And then based on your stock value people invest on you. This is what I found interesting. While I started investing on people and when others started investing on me somehow I got carried into the stream. Its real fun. It also impacts the way you work on your blog and other social media streams. A positive effect. End of the day you know it all adds up.
If you think Iam a numbers guy, no Iam now. I deleted a blog which I built over 4 years because one day I found myself writing to get more hits.. SHIT I TOLD MY SELF and dumped it. Now Iam free. Empire Avenue is a lot different. So far so good
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