I got back to a disciplined work life after a break of nearly 6 years. I realized that getting to office on time and staying back would be a big challenge that I need to surmount in the first month. There are some life systems at the home front that need to be tweaked to facilitate the scheduled arrival at the office.
My life before was a bit flexible thats a euphemism for chaotic. Sleeping late and waking up late was a the biggest problem. And then the normal morning chores including fixing breakfast for the family and I would be a haggard, free and tired by 11o clock. Then to get on to the regular work groove was the most challenging task.
This has to be changed. I got into a system by previous evening. I started working on a standard work schedule of a bath and a bit of social networking before sleep and started sleeping by max 11 pm. The tried waking up at 5.30 am the next morn to the sound of a morning alarm. Took the entire 1st hour of the morning a bit slow and increased the pace moderately by 7 pm and went into over drive by 9. And first 18 days I reached office well behind schedule navigating the choked road traffic.
Something had to be done. I started my daily time log and started counting the work hours. To be efficient I realized that I have to reach office before the scheduled time. By now my morning pattern fell in place. I just had to advance my overdrive time by one hour. So here is what I did.
5.30 am to 7 am = slow pace
7 am to 7.45 am = increased the pace
7.45 to 8.30 am = overdrive time
I managed to get to office on time, ahead of time. This helped me settle down and start actual work bang on at 9.30 am
Its a new month today. Little bit of changes needs to be done and I have to make sure the my 176 hours of office work that I have to do this month is efficient. I have developed a simple system to do that. Would share the same with you shortly.
Wish you guys a fantastic June.
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